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About the PTO

What is the PTO?

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a national child advocacy association where parents, teachers, and administrators work together to provide a positive school experience for our children.

What does the Glen Forest PTO do? 

  1. We raise money to provide funding for field trips, student activities, teacher appreciation, graduation, and more. 

  2. We bring parents, teachers, and the administration together once a month to discuss important school-related topics. 

  3. We sponsor fun events throughout the year like the fall picnic, international night, bingo, restaurant nights and more. 

ضباط PTO للعام الدراسي 2022-23

كاتي ماكجروري

كاثلين دونوفان
نائب الرئيس

إلفين بيريز

جينيفر جلاسيل
امينة صندوق

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